4D Wrist CT

Wrist injuries might cause abnormal kinematics of the wrist joint (carpal instability), which progress to osteoarthritis if left untreated. With dynamic CT imaging it is possible to non-invasively evaluate this carpal instability. During the scan acquisition, a sequence of 3C CT scans is obtained whilst the wrist is in motion. In total one 4DCT scan consists of somewhere between 100-200 3D CT scans. Due to the large amount of data, manual assessment of these scans is not feasible in clinical practice.  Therefor our team focusses on automatically extraction a motion analysis of the wrist from these 4DCT scans. This project was originally initiated by the Plastic and reconstructive surgery department of the RadboudUMC.  


Maranda Haenen

Hanne Vries

Ioannis Sechopoulos

Tomographic Imaging

Overige afdelingen Imaging