Homogeneous vs. patient specific breast models for Monte Carlo evaluation of mean glandular dose in mammography.

Physica medica

A. Sarno, G. Mettivier, F. Di Lillo, K. Bliznakova, I. Sechopoulos and P. Russo.


To compare, via Monte Carlo simulations, homogeneous and non-homogenous breast models adopted for mean glandular dose (MGD) estimates in mammography vs. patient specific digital breast phantoms.


We developed a GEANT4 Monte Carlo code simulating four homogenous cylindrical breast models featured as follows: (1) semi-cylindrical section enveloped in a 5-mm adipose layer; (2) semi-elliptical section with a 4-mm thick skin; (3) semi-cylindrical section with a 1.45-mm skin layer; (4) semi-cylindrical section in a 1.45-mm skin layer and 2-mm subcutaneous adipose layer. Twenty patient specific digital breast phantoms produced from a dedicated CT scanner were assumed as reference in the comparison. We simulated two spectra produced from two anode/filter combinations. An additional digital breast phantom was produced via BreastSimulator software.


With reference to the results for patient-specific breast phantoms and for W/Al spectra, models #1 and #3 showed higher MGD values by about 1% (ranges [–33%; +28%] and [−31%; +30%], respectively), while for model #4 it was 2% lower (range [−34%; +26%]) and for model #2 –11% (range [−39%; +14%]), on average. On the other hand, for W/Rh spectra, models #1 and #4 showed lower MGD values by 2% and 1%, while for model #2 and #3 it was 14% and 8% lower, respectively (ranges [−43%; +13%] and [−41%; +21%]). The simulation with the digital breast phantom produced with BreastSimulator showed a MGD overestimation of +33%.


The homogeneous breast models led to maximum MGD underestimation and overestimation of 43% and 28%, respectively, when compared to patient specific breast phantoms derived from clinical CT scans.

Tomographic Imaging

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